Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Do You Pray?" A Question That Stood Me Still!

Today I had quite the experience that really made me think! As background about this story I work in the Oil and Gas Industry, so religion is pretty rare to find. A co-worker is going through a time that I never want to happen; A divorce. His wife sent him a text message telling him they are getting a divorce and two days later(this morning) moved out. Just brutal in my opinion.

Today he I saw he was having a pretty rough day and never even having a relationship I had no idea what to say. He later came to me and asked in tears, "Do you pray?" I looked at him for a second and responded, "Yes!" I was quite surprised by a question like that? It made think for a second, Do I pray. I am not gonna say I am the best at remembering to pray. He then replied, "Will you pray for and ask God to show me a sign that He is not abandoning me to?" My thoughts went straight to wow so many ways to respond. They all know I am a Mormon, but it the last question I expected but the only other guy who is religious. My heart was pretty much stopped for a time as I  was in total shock. I instantly prayed for him, because its not everyday something like that happens.

So I ask you, "Do you pray?" Think about that. You don't know who may ever come to you and ask for something as meaningful as a prayer.

We are all children of God. He loves us and knows our needs, and He wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. We should pray to Him and no one else. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded, "Ye must always pray unto the Father in my name" (3 Nephi 18:19). As we make a habit of approaching God in prayer, we will come to know Him and draw ever nearer to Him. Our desires will become more like His. We will be able to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that He is ready to give if we will but ask in faith.(Taken from

President Thomas S. Monson says of prayer,
“To those within the sound of my voice who are struggling with challenges and difficulties large and small, prayer is the provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace. Prayer is the means by which we approach our Father in Heaven, who loves us. Speak to Him in prayer and then listen for the answer. Miracles are wrought through prayer”

Let us follow our Prophet of God's Counsel and pray!