As we read in the Old Testament and in the New Testament there are certain individuals that Christ ordained to be His servant's. They are prophets and apostles. Is there a prophet now? Doesn't God love us like He loved them? The answer to both of these questions are YES! There is a living modern day prophet like Moses and Noah here upon the earth. God loves us today. As we know He gave His Only Begotten Son to come show us the way. He suffered for our pains, afflictions, sicknesses and infirmities. He died upon the cross for us. He was resurrected on the third day! His Son Jesus Christ did all of this for us so we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. That is evidence that God loves us today! Another piece of evidence is His prophet and apostles. Who are they may you ask? Well as President Dieter F. Ucthdorf says, "Let me tell you!"
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The First Presidency |
The prophet is President of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Today his name is Thomas S. Monson. I testify that he is called of God and is a living modern day prophet. His counselors are Henry B. Eyring (1st Counselor), Dieter F. Uchtdorf (2nd Counselor). In the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles we have the following:
President Boyd K. Packer (Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)
Elder L. Tom Perry
Elder Russell M. Nelson
Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Elder M. Russell Ballard
Elder Richard G. Scott
Elder Robert D. Hales
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Elder David A. Bednar
Elder Quentin L. Cook
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Elder Neil L. Anderson
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Quorum of the Twelve Apostles |
Biographies of the Prophets and Apostles
What is a prophet or apostle? Each of the previous men we sustain as prophets, seers and revelators. They hold Special Keys to guide and direct THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS under the direction of Jesus Christ Himself.
Elder Holland states,
" I wish to say something this morning of the apostleship and the importance of its perpetuation in the true Church of Jesus Christ. In so doing I speak not of the men who hold that office but rather of the office itself, a calling in the holy Melchizedek Priesthood which the Savior Himself has designated for the watchcare of His people and the witnessing of His name."
Prophets and Apostles Testimonies of the Savior
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are blessed to be led by living prophets—inspired men called to speak for the Lord, as did Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, and other prophets of the scriptures. We sustain the President of the Church as prophet, seer, and revelator—the only person on the earth who receives revelation to guide the entire Church. We also sustain the counselors in the First Presidency and the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators.
Like the prophets of old, prophets today testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel. They make known God's will and true character. They speak boldly and clearly, denouncing sin and warning of its consequences. At times, they may be inspired to prophesy of future events for our benefit.
We can always trust the living prophets. Their teachings reflect the will of the Lord, who declared: “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38).
Our greatest safety lies in strictly following the word of the Lord given through His prophets, particularly the current President of the Church. The Lord warns that those who ignore the words of the living prophets will fall (see D&C 1:14-16). He promises great blessings to those who follow the President of the Church:
“Thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me."
How can we know?
The Savior taught us, "Ye shall know them by their fruits." Meaning do they do good or evil. If they do good it is of God. If they do evil it is of the Devil. We should pray to gain a testimony to know if they are God's chosen servants.
The Gospel Principles book says the following about prophets:
The Gospel Principles book says the following about prophets:
"Prophets Are God’s Representatives on the Earth
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
Many people live in darkness, unsure of God’s will. They believe that the heavens are closed and that people must face the world’s perils alone. How fortunate are the Latter-day Saints! We know that God communicates to the Church through His prophet. With grateful hearts, Saints all over the world over sing the hymn, “We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us in these latter days” (Hymns, no. 19).
A prophet is a man called by God to be His representative on earth. When a prophet speaks for God, it is as if God were speaking (see D&C 1:38). A prophet is also a special witness for Christ, testifying of His divinity and teaching His gospel. A prophet teaches truth and interprets the word of God. He calls the unrighteous to repentance. He receives revelations and directions from the Lord for our benefit. He may see into the future and foretell coming events so that the world may be warned.
A prophet may come from various stations in life. He may be young or old, highly educated or unschooled. He may be a farmer, a lawyer, or a teacher. Ancient prophets wore tunics and carried staffs. Modern prophets wear suits and carry briefcases. What, then, identifies a true prophet? A true prophet is always chosen by God and called through proper priesthood authority (see Articles of Faith 1:5).
Latter-day Saints sustain the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles as prophets. However, when we speak of “the prophet of the Church,” we mean the President of the Church, who is President of the high priesthood."
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Elder D. Todd Christofferson |
Today I had the opportunity to be taught by Elder D. Todd Christofferson. An Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. This was such an incredible opportunity to listen directly to one of the Lord's servant's. To be taught and instructed on what we can do to further the work of God. He stood where he has been appointed and bore powerful testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ and His reality. He testified with power of God the Father. He testified that they truly know and care for each one of us. It was just so amazing. The Spirit that was brought was incredible. The Spirit testified to us in the meeting about the things that were spoken.
It is so very important for me to know that we have a prophet leading and guiding the Church. He holds the Priesthood Keys or the authority to act in God's name. I testify of this. I know Thomas S. Monson and all the apostles have been called of God. I am so happy to be able to follow their counsel into freedom. I know that if you pray to know you will come to know of these men and their calling. You will know that they have been called of God. They can direct us in these tough times and this is so comforting. It is also proof to me that God loves us. This is why Prophets are so important to me. This I testify of in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
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